Today, AMDISS joined the global community in commemorating the International Day for Universal Access to Information at Crown Hotel.

This significant observance, known as IDUAI, was proclaimed by the UNESCO General Conference in 2015, following the adoption of the 38 C/Resolution 57, which established September 28th of every year as the International Day for Universal Access to Information.

This important national event was organized by the Right of Access to Information Commission with support from UNESCO. The event was held under the theme; “Mainstreaming Access to Information and Participation in the Public Sector.”

The event was attended by several high-ranking government dignitaries, stakeholders’ media practitioners and members of the public.

The government dignitaries who attended the event include; Dr. Jacob Korok Maiju, the Deputy Minister of ICT; Honorable Oliver Mori, the Spokesperson of the Parliament; Moyiga Nduru, the Commissioner for Access to Information; Napoleon Adok, the Director General of the National Communication Authority; and Julius Banda, the UNESCO Country Representative. This day underscores the vital importance of transparent information and active public participation in governance.