Our Members:
AMDISS Membership includes many of the country’s leading media houses. In 2019, AMDISS members
were about 24 comprising of radio broadcasting stations, Television, publishers of newspapers,
magazines, internet news websites, media associations representing the whole industry as editors, subeditors,
reporters, and photographers, examples of such includes the Catholic Radio Network (CRN), Eye
Radio, Gurtong website, the Citizen Newspaper and Television, Juba Monitor, New Times, Christian
Times, Association for Media Women in south Sudan (AMWISS)etc,
Our partners:
Our donors/partners are mainly international organizations such as Norwegian Church Aid (NCA),
Internews, Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA), USA & UK Embassies, UNESCO, Open Society Initiative Eastern
Africa (OSIEA), International Media Support (IMS),etc
AMDISS is also a member regional bodies such as Africa Information Centre (Uganda) African Freedom
of Expression Exchange (AFEX) in Ghana and the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) in